Photographer Masato Seto, who his original roots is from Fukushima Prefecture, captured the post apocalyptic scenery of his homeland 1 year after the critical nuclear disaster of Fukushima Taiichi Nuclear Power Plant that happened in March 11th, 2011 earthquake. This is the first e-Book edition of “Cesium -137Cs-“.
Commissioned by a french correspondence, Masato Seto stepped deep into the contaminated zone of Fukushima Nuclear disaster, and witnessed the fear, embodied in the nature of the area…… which spreads into the sea, the forest, rivers and in the fields…., capturing the terror of the radioactive substance in the atmosphere of present Fukushima.
Including an essay going back and forth of Fukushima and Tokyo, before and after the 3.11 Earthquake incident.
Supported by : Masato Seto and Place M